Thursday, September 16, 2010

Crist & Sink On Gay Adoption

Charlie Crist say his position on gay adoption has not changed, but evolved. That is a politically clever way of saying his position has changed.

CRIST: Not really. It's more of an appropriate evolution. As I think most of us learn in life, the older you get the more tolerant you become and the less judgmental you are.

Crist was asked if he would have the Department of Children and Families drop its appeal against Martin Gill adopting his foster children. Judge Cindy Lederman awarded Gill custody. The appeal is currently tied up in the system.

Crist has said he will look at the case before making a decision. Crist's term as Governor will be over soon and there is a limited window of opportunity for him to make a decision on the case. LGBT rights groups are pressuring Crist to drop the appeal.

Sink made this statement on gay adoption.

SINK: Every case should be evaluated individually and that it should be left to the experts who know most intimately about that child's well-being and the judge. There should be no discrimination.

It is a welcome to see candidates not bashing gays this campaign season. Actions need to match the rhetoric. Crist can have the DCF drop the costly suit against Gill's adoption. Sink can speak out more about gay rights issues. Both candidates are cautious political centrists. If either or both or elected, activists need to hold Crist and Sink to their campaign promises.

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