Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Jim Greer Jail Audio Recordings

The St. Petersburg Times has partial transcripts of indicted former Republican Party of Florida chairman Jim Greer's phone conversations. A box Delmar Johnson dropped off at the house is mentioned in Greer's conversation with his wife Lisa.

"Are the agents still there?" Greer asked.

"Yeah," said his wife, who repeatedly noted their calls were being recorded and that their bank accounts were searched.

"You should show 'em where everything is," Greer said. "There's nothing to hide there. There's that box that Delmar dropped that's in the garage."

I am curious about what is in the box. Johnson helped Greer set up Victory Strategies. Greer and Johnson owned the company and set up bogus billing accounts with the RPOF. The one little problem is they got caught and Johnson has been granted immunity to testify against Greer. One outside of jail recording has Greer talking to Johnson.

“I was hearing all last week that you were throwing me under the bus and you were saying a lot of things that I was finding very hard to believe that you would say,” Greer said.

“Yeah, no and I’m not doing that at all,” Johnson replied.

Johnson did throw Greer under the bus. Greer is facing a possible 77 years in prison.

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