Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Marco Rubio is a conservative poser. Rubio appears on paper as a red blooded tea party-loving wingnut. The record reflects a man who will reinvent himself.

Rubio talks a mean Second amendment game. NRA lobbyist Marion Hammer gives Rubio a lower rating than Crist.

"He voted when the gun bill was brought to the vote, but we know that what goes on behind the scenes is an entirely different story," Hammer said. She said the NRA ratings -- a big deal in the Republican primary -- are based not just on how politicians vote, but on the totality of what they do or appear to do.

"We watch everything: false claims, lips service, what a member tells other people,'' said Hammer adding that, with Rubio "it's not pretty... we take our issue very seriously."

Speaker Rubio made no effort to bring in more revenue during the deficit. Rubio fought against the Florida Seminoles aqquiring new gaming rights. Rubio was silent on the state borrowing money to pay for the state deficit.

Rubio is a proponent of offshore drilling. The Daily News was shocked to learn Rubio was not aware the military is against the creation of more offshore rigs. The Air Force and Navy used the waters for military exercise.

Rubio said abortion violates the privacy clause in the Constitution. The Founding Fathers wrote no privacy clause. The word privacy isn't not even mentioned in the Constitution. Do a scan and check for yourself. Rubio has a law degree and seems aware what what is in the Constitution.

Rubio recently said he does not support amnesty for illegal immigrants.

“If you grant amnesty, the message that you’re sending is that if you come in this country and stay here long enough, we will let you stay. And no one will ever come through the legal process if you do that.”

The problem with Rubio's rhetoric is anti-immigration activists accuse Rubio of doing nothing during his tenure as Speaker.

"A lot of us are mad at him because he did block those bills," said David Caulkett, a founder of Floridians for Immigration Enforcement. "Rubio claims to be anti-amnesty but the question is, 'Do we trust him?'"

Rubio talks a mean game in the locker room. His onfield skills are another story.

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