
Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Pajamas Media Makes Fox News Look Good

I find it interesting the PJTV went to Wasilla, Alaska and didn't find one resident upset with Sarah Palin stepping down as Governor. I did notice conservative talk radio host Eddie Burke wearing a tea party T-shirt and Republican Mayor Verne E. Rupright.

Pajamas Media will not dare air one Wasilla resident voicing displeasure about Palin. Instead, PJTV went to a tea party rally and filmed hardcore conservatives expressing their love for Palin. These citizens have a right to support Palin and the tea parties. Just don't call the PJTV piece journalism.

Pajamas Media's board is a group of conservative bloggers that constantly lament that the media doesn't tell the truth. Glenn Reynolds and Roger Simon have never desired truth telling. They repeated every Bush administration lie about Iraq's WMDs and proceeded to smear anyone that would question the White House cherry-picking intelligence. Reynolds and Simon want media that will repeat what they already believe. What other reason would they have for hiring Joe the Plumber as a reporter?

1 comment:

  1. Maybe her resignation was the best thing for her state.
