Tuesday, July 21, 2009

No One Will Be Forced Into Public Option Health Care

Jim Algers of Common Sense Radio got Sen. Mitch McConnell's office to admit no one would be forced off of their private health care policies.

Algers: And what plan in Congress right now is forcing any particular kind of health care on someone?

McConnell's Office: Well, the plan that (McConnell) is talking about there, if we have a government plan... the CBO has shown if the government plan is introduced, it will push people off regular plans. The government, as the President has said does say you have to leave that plan.


Algers: Sen. McConnell doesn't want people forced off plans and the government plan won't force plans. But we're still acting like it will because people will just gravitate (crosstalk) to a plan that they think is better?

McConnell's Office: Who said that?

Algers: I'm trying to figure out the logic behind this?

There is no logic in policy terms. These are just talking points the Republican Party is using to protect the health care industry. Case in point is Michele Bachmann. She argues against the public option because it will be cheaper for businesses and individuals. The health of the private Health insurance industry is all that matters.

Approximately 114 million Americans are expected to leave private health insurance. Why? Their employers will drop the insurance because the taxpayer-subsidized plan will be 30 to 40 percent cheaper. This action will collapse the private health insurance market, and then the Federal Government will own the health provider game.

That is the economic equivalent of telling cunsumers to buy the same goods at the more expensive store. This really blows Republican claims of fiscal conservitism. The CBO report states the House bill would save the federal goverment money. The public option would save small businesses and American citizens money. That will free more money for cunsumer spending. Republicans are arguing against their own economic principles and allowing health care costs to increase.

Michael Steele sent out the "Healthcare Briefing Book" to members of the Republican National Committee. The memo contains talking points for Republicans to use. One of the talking points is people will be forced into the public option. Another talking point is America has the best health care in the world. 46 million Americans are uninsured. The United States spends 4.3 more on health care than on national defense. Western countries with national health care are not experiencing the same levels of cost. The best aspects of American health care is the dedicated doctors and nurses. It certainly isn't how we pay for the system.

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At July 21, 2009 9:39 PM , Anonymous Jim Johnson said...

Right. Just like no one in Florida was "forced" off their property insurance to take Citizens.

Oh... wait. They were.

If a public option for health insurance passes, the same thing will start to happen.

Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

At July 29, 2009 10:05 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

I heard that when you leave your job and existing policy (unless COBRA then after that) you will not be allowed to obtain another private plan. I haven't been able to locate those details yet...perhaps it's rhetoric or perhaps there will be virtually no practical private plans anymore...or companies will go bankrupt and the big government will buy them...now that doesn't seem too far fetched.


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