Glenn Reynolds, Allahpundit and Ed Driscoll are attacking President Barack Obama going out to have an ice cream cone.
Allah Pundit captioned the photo: "The president ponders his most important decision of the day."
"Hey, nobody said it was easy being an ice cream socialist," wrote Driscoll.
Reynolds quoted Driscoll and linked to his post. Reynolds has had a successful career without providing much original content. '
If conservative bloggers think attacking Obama for taking his daughters out for Father's Day is going to help the GOP then they are mistaken. Obama is going into an ice cream shop with his kids because voters like to see the President with their family. Republicans needs to stop listening to talk radio, Fox News and conservative bloggers. Reynolds and Driscoll are incapable of writing about policy. (Allah Pundit has shown moments of seriousness.) Obama has done very well on foreign policy and below average on domestic policy.
Obama is more concerned with staying out of domestic policy controversy than using his huge political capital. Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi are mad at Obama for not wanting to get into the fray of his own health care program. Obama wants public option health care. He would rather see Democrats get bloody than do the heavy lifting. Obama has already thrown the LGBT community under the bus. Obama and Geithner support the bailout but haven't made a strong public case to reform regulations. Republicans won't bash Obama on these issues because they don't support regulation, gay rights or a single payer health care system. Obama is not a socialist or a reformer. He is the Democratic Party version of Charlie Crist. A master pol obsessed with approval ratings. If the GOP thinks Glenn Reynolds attacking Obama for spending time with his daughters on Father's Day is the answer then they should get used to minority party status.