
Saturday, April 25, 2009

Troll Hall of Fame: Gerald Hancock

Gerald Hancock get points for using an actual name. Most trolls log in under Anonymous. Hancock's leaps of logic makes Alice In Wonderful seem like a study in realism. Hancock argues current laws permit gay people to marry. They just need to stop being gay. Apparently, gayness can be turned on and off at will. "Look Mom, I'm not gay anymore. Oh wait! I'm gay again."

These people are sick! It's not the law that needs to be changed, it's the gay's mind and heart that should change. They have the equal right to marry already. They can change their disorientation, and get oriented correctly someone of the opposite sex: And stop trying to make the 90% of the people change for them...a wimpy 10% of the population.

Mr. Hancock is a little too curious about Perez Hilton's gender. There are all kinds of Freudian implications about why Hancock is so obsessed about Hilton's anatomy. I respect Hancock's privacy enough to let him deal with those issues.

Hancock cites the Constitution as giving gay people the right to marry staraight people.

Under the constitution, they have equal rights already...they just refuse to use those rights due to their own perversity of heart and mind.

I will go one step further. The 14th amendment states "No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States." The conservative-leaning Supreme Court has refused to hear any gay marriages cases. A major reason is the court doesn't have the moral courage to dive into the gay marriage debate.

Another reason is there is no legal justification to bar gay marriage. Loving v Virginia made it clear that bigotry isn't a legal reason to bar two people from marrying. The sanctity of marriage wasn't destroyed because of interracial unions. God hasn't destroyed Massachusetts with thunder bolts. People have a right to practice their religious beliefs. They don't have a right to impose them under false pretenses.

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