Thursday, April 30, 2009

Thoughts on Last Night's Lost Episode

I think the Losties and freighter people were suppose to go back in time and make bad things happen. Ben getting shot and becoming an Other is an example. My take is Locke is going to bring the people from the past to 2007. (If it is 2007.) The new people with the guns in 2007 will play a big rolein the final season.

Question: what happened to the Others in 2007?

I heard the Lost theory if you’re shot in the side (Desmond, Locke and Sayid) you live. A shot in the chest is death. Faraday is a goner. He could come back as a ghost or in a flashback.

So: is Obama really Jacob?????

Tim Geithner all the way. His secret plan to back AIG bonuses is the clue.

Eloise provided a character with Mommy issues. I didn’t want to see another character (Jack and Locke) with Daddy issue.

An interesting question I heard is who is the hero of Lost? It isn’t Jack. Sayid has done too many evil things to be the hero. Locke fits the Joseph Campbell hero myth. Sawyer fits the reluctant hero mode. The writers aren’t doing anything with Kate are Juliet this season. There are theories that Ben may turn out to be the hero.

I think Jack was suppose to be the hero. The character has the same problem as Ana Lucia. Too annoying and unlikable. Jack will be around to the end because of the Christian Shepard connection. The producers said the last episode will have a shocker about Jack. That plays into theories about Jack being Jacob. Although, I don’t see how.

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