Thursday, April 02, 2009


White House officials accidently gave out the number to a sex chat line to the press corp. Reporters were greeted with a female automatic voice asking, "Well, do you feel like getting nasty? Then you came to the right place -- brought to you by the girls of Swank magazine." The White House set up a 1-800 number for the press corp. to contact Hillary Clinton and National Security Advisor James Jones. Both were attending the G-20 Summit. Reporters seized on the gaffe and question spokesman Thomas Vietor.

"Lots of important issues to cover today!" Thomas Vietor, a White House spokesman, told AFP when asked about the mistake in a follow-up email.

When pressed further about the number, Vietor replied: "I haven't dialed whatever number you're referencing. Please call such numbers on your free time!"

Vietor's best move is to not go Scott McClellan. He is in for a world of pain if behaves like an ass.

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