Saturday, August 02, 2008

Will Young Voters Come Out?

It's a long story, but I'm part of the reason comedienne Tina Dupuy became a freelance writer. I wrote a quote on a old blog that is posted on Tiny's site.

"But her blog posts are humorous and on target. She writes better than many columnists."
-Michael Hussey

Tina decided to start freelancing. An op-ed she wrote for the L.A. Weekly is up on her blog. Tina is skeptical that young youngs will turn out for Barack Obama.

"On Super Tuesday I went to the polls half expecting the turn out to look like a Hannah Montana concert," Dupuy wrote. "When I got there it looked more like “Hannah and Her Sisters” reunion." Tiny doesn't mean Michael Caine voted in her district. (Although, that would be cool.)

Democrats are registering new voters in record numbers. More people voted for Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama than any other candidate in primary history. Both candidates received more primary votes than John McCain. Census data showed an 11 percent increase in voters, in the 18-24 range. Those numbers bode well for Obama. The question is will precincts on general election day look like a rave party or bingo night.

Another question is how many young voters are using absentee ballots? Older voters are used to going to the polls. My sense is younger voters would rather avoid the hassle and use snail mail. Anyone out there going to absentee ballot route?

Side note: Tina, you need a much hipper precinct district.

Update: why the hell did I write "Tiny", instead of Tina.

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