Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Media's Love of McCain

It has never been hard for me to figure out why the media loves John McCain. He actually acknowledges their existence. McCain actually held a BBQ for the media. Reporters fawned over the Straight-Talker discussing his grilling skills. Which people like you and me will never know.

He grills. Therefore he should be president. McCain is a "legendary grill man." Only the media knows this. If McCain was really that legendary he would be selling more grills than George Foreman.

Think Progress has a list of the MSM praising McCain for saying mind-numbingly stupid things.

McCain barbeques: “He was wearing a sweatshirt with a lithograph photo of his family — like a Christmas card picture. So just another grandpa at the grill.” [Mike Allen, Politico]

McCain rides first-class on Acela trains: “John McCain traveled like a man of the people Friday morning, riding an Amtrak train to Philadelphia after a late night of voting in Washington.” [Libby Quaid, Associated Press]

McCain jokes about killing Iranian civilians: “The guy seems like any guy you’d want to have around the dinner table or the bar stool.” [Chuck Todd, NBC]

McCain jokes about blowing up Jon Stewart with an IED: “Despite the fact he steps over the line sometimes. It makes him seem much more accessible to voter. You know, everybody likes a guy with a good sense of humor.” [Carol Costello, CNN]

McCain backtracks from his statements on Iraq: BLITZER: There was some straight talk, very straight talk, from John McCain today. Then, he seemed to backtrack a little bit. What happened?
BASH: He realized his straight talk was too straight, Wolf. [Wolf Blitzer and Dana Bash, CNN]

That would explain why the media is giving McCain a pass on not knowing the price of gas. George H.W. Bush received negative coverage for not knowing the price of bread.

Q: When was the last time you pumped your own gas and how much did it cost?

MCCAIN: Oh, I don’t remember. Now there’s Secret Service protection. But I’ve done it for many, many years. I don’t recall and frankly, I don’t see how it matters.

Feed the press and let them ride on the back of the bus. It guarantees great coverage for a presidential candidate.

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At July 10, 2008 10:13 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Abbreviated version

Progressive Republican Candidate John McCain comes through for America with his 3R economic plan. In the persona of Theodore Roosevelt, McCain’s plan just makes sense.

FIRST , keep in mind that to drop the fuel tax, the local gov’ts would crash. We must use the 3R to replace taxes lost from replaced fuel through green energy (Yes, we have it ready to go!)

1. RETHINK: America must see globally on what America is capable of in our current state of technology, engineering and meet the demands that face the world.

Private Sector framework is in place and current laws allow the 3R to happen. The Progressive attitude of John McCain to get things done by crossing party lines will resurrect America.

2. REFORM: The American people must demand higher quality products and less restricted trade routes for Made in USA components. We will lead the way of MFG again!

The USA will reform its dead manufacturing base

3. REINVENT: America and Americans must reinvent themselves to reach and maintain these standards and by sheer American ingenuity, control the world’s marketplace in the competitive manner, as the USA has always been proud to be #1.

NUTS AND BOLTS of the plan are simple.

Billions of savings equates to millions of lost tax revenue from energy companies. The US needs a separate tax revenue source before we can move away from fossil fuels.

McCain 3R solution.

McCain’s 3R is about technical, closely monitored and rapid hands on training from pros to create new pros. Thousands of currently-job-displaced “once leaders in the manufacturing arena” will be asked to train and play instructor rolls in the 3R plan. Paid, of course, as these new leaders will help create a whole new style of prosperous America. A massive restructure providing thousands New American MFG means millions of new jobs for infrastructure alone.

We have the buildings, needs and infrastructure to do this!

New jobs is the mainstay for Creating a new guard for Social Security.

This is the new place for financial speculators to invest!

McCain’s Progressive nature embodies Theodore Roosevelt more than any US presidential candidate in history since the original Rough Rider blazed the greatest era of growth in America.

We need John McCain to lead our nation with the same type of change.

John Lewis Mealer, Founding President of Mealer Companies


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