Wednesday, June 04, 2008

McCain's Katrina Problem

"I supported every investigation and ways of finding out what caused the tragedy."

John McCain, claiming he supported legislation into investigating the federal response to Hurricane Katrina.

McCain voted against S.Amdt. 2716

To establish a congressional commission to examine the Federal, State, and local response to the devastation wrought by Hurricane Katrina in the Gulf Region of the United States especially in the States of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and other areas impacted in the aftermath and make immediate corrective measures to improve such responses in the future.

The only Republican that didn't vote nay was Pete Domenici. The Senator from New Mexico failed to make roll call. The Senate Republicans voted in lockstep to protect the Bush administration.

McCain also voted against S.Amdt. 1660.

To establish a congressional commission to examine the Federal, State, and local response to the devastation wrought by Hurricane Katrina in the Gulf Region of the United States especially in the States of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and other areas impacted in the aftermath and make immediate corrective measures to improve such responses in the future.

McCain's statement that he voted against these bills because of pork doesn't laugh the laugh test. The two Katrina investigation amendments were offered as motions and rejected. The legislation never made it into the final bills.

McCain was in Louisiana and lied to the people. McCain could not tell the people of Louisiana that poltically aligning himself with President Bush was more important than the people left homeless because of a poorly built levee. McCain had to lie because his votes are morally indefensible. The sickening thing is McCain will tell voters this is straight talk.

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