Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Cinday McCain: Recipe Plagiarist

The McCain campaign got busted for plagiarizing recipes from the Food Network. Seriously, since when does political campaigns start plagiarizing recipes.

The John McCain for President website had a section for Cindy McCain's recipes. Unfortunately, they were word for word recipes from the Food Network website. I can only imagine what a McCain White House will be like if his staff can't be honest about the little stuff.

Keith Olbermann lampoons the McCain slip.

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At April 17, 2008 1:47 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since when do they plagiarize recipes? They're trying to make Cindy look wholesome and all-American. (What Ahi tuna salad or passion fruit mousse has to do with looking all-American is beyond me.)

The whole thing was such a screw up from start to finish, I wonder if the aid responsible secretly has it in for McCains. Or maybe Cindy really did submit these recipes as originals, knowing she'd be caught; perhaps she has it in for John. God knows she has just cause.

Doffing my tinfoil hat now . . .

At April 18, 2008 9:21 PM , Blogger Vox Populi said...

Hey barack obama and his wife Michelle, who is nO NOT his coretta. (LMAO) gave FIFTY THOUSAND BUCKS TO CARE where cindy mcrich mccain fucks around on the board with that sicko smile of hers.

But, you couldn't have known that when you posted this because he only released his tax returns about an hour before the fleabates. I mean debate.


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