Charlie Crist: The Undecider

Florida Governor Charlie Crist can't seem to make up his mind about issues that might affect his approval rating.
The controversial abortion ultrasound bill? He’d wait to see how it looks when it reaches his desk, he said.
Allowing teachers to debate the basis of evolution? Ditto.
And the plan to bring commuter rail to Central Florida by giving CSX Transportation, a private company, sovereign immunity?
Déjà vu: “I’m interested in seeing the final product and look forward to reviewing it when it gets to my desk,” he said.
Crist has flip-flopped on abortion. Crist favors the current status quo on Florida abortion laws and is open to the possiblity to ultrasound screenings for abortions.
"Let's see what happens," Crist told the media.
Short answer: Crist is praying this bill dies in the legislature. Which might happen.
State senators were supposed to vote on the measure Friday after they halted an hour-and-a-half long discussion Thursday. But without discussion Friday morning, the Senate pushed back voting on the bill to next week, in the final days of the legislative session.
The bill's sponsor, Senate Majority Leader Daniel Webster, R-Winter Garden, said discussion was "not quite ready."
Crist was asked if he believes in evolution. The Governor gave a convoluted answer.
Asked if he believe in evolution, Crist said, “I believe in a lot of things. We should have the freedom to have a good exchange of ideas.”
But is legislation needed to guarantee that exchange? “I’m not so sure,” Crist said.
I'm glad the press didn't grill Crist with hard-hitting questions about his beliefs in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny.
The transportation bill allows CSX to not be held liable for passenger-related injuries. Taxpayers will pay for lawsuits. Sink's letter details how the Florida legislature caved in to lobbyists.
"Much of the initial negative reaction to the Department of Transportation's proposal is a direct result of the lack of full public disclosure on this several hundred-million-dollar deal," she wrote.
"DOT has claimed they were successful during negotiations with CSX, but Floridians have been given a take-it-or-leave-it plan at the 11th hour."
Crist refused to say where he stood on the CSX liability issue. A true profile in courage.
Labels: abortion, alex sink, charlie crist, csx, evolution
and how bout those felon rights, paper ballots, insurance, taxes, open govt, cigars for everyone ... oh yeah, he GOT that last one.
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