Pushing Rope Second Anniversary

Pushing Rope is officially two years-old today. I like to thank Tas, Zencomix, Litbrit and Sine.Qua.non for making this site a better place.
Thanks to Creative Loafing for the loaf of bread, Wayne Garcia warned me not to eat. For those you Loafie winners that ate your award... err, yum?.
Thank you to our blogmother. I greatly appreciate the traffic she sent my way.
Jill Filipovic, Lindsay Beyerstein, Kenneth Quinnell and Pam Spaulding have been kind enough to link to this blog.
Props to Cernig, the Panda, David Scott Anderson and most of all our readers and commenters.
Thank you all and anyone I accidently left out.
Hippo Barfday Folks!
Regards, C
COOL !! Congratulations.
I'll get the blog a cane soon to celebrate its new found age.
I am so sorry I missed this! I searched through my Gmail and found it in the spam folder, along with a half-dozen "missing" emails I'd been expecting, too. Damn.
Anyway, a belated HOORAY and a big cheers to you, Michael. I will raise a glass in your honor this weekend.
Happy blogiversary!
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