Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Barack Obama Concession Speech

10:47: Obam hits the stage. The crowd is huge. The Republicans don't have this many campaign volunteers.

10:48: Obama officially concedes.

10:50: Obama tells the crowd people of all economic and ethic backgrounds are ready for change. Good message.

10:51: Obama talks about getting rid of partisanship. The message rings with voters. I don't see it happening. I want to crush the Republican Party. Not hug it.

10:53: Corporate tax cuts send jobs overseas? I'm for elimanating corporate tax loopholes, but jobs go overseas because companies can outsource cheaper labor costs.

10:54: Obama vows to bring troops home from Iraq and to send them to Afghanistan to fight al Qaeda.

10:56: Obama thanks his New Hampshire campaign organizers.

10:57: Obama: "There has never been anything false about hope." Nice dig at Hillary Clinton.

10:58: Crowd chants, "Yes, we can."

Obama is telling the people, "Yes, we can." He is working the crowd like a preacher. Crowd goes nuts. God, he is good on the stump.

11:00: Obama leaves stage. Stevie Wonder plays over the PA system.

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