Thursday, November 01, 2007

Bush Refuses to Answer Waterboarding Question

The White House knows the Michael Mukasey nomination is in trouble. President Bush is forced to stooping to attempting to woo the media. Journalists were invited into the Oval Office for a private chat. The President doesn't consider the New York Times an ally.

What is interesting is Bush refusing to say whether or not waterboarding is torture. It's painfully obvious Mukasey was trained to parrot the same line as the President.

When Mr. Bush was asked whether he considered waterboarding illegal, he said he would not discuss specific methods used in the interrogation of suspected terrorists. “It doesn’t make any sense to tell the enemy whether we use those techniques or not,” he said.

“And the techniques we use by highly trained professionals are within the law,” the president said. “That’s what’s important for America to know.”

Bush's statement is a crock of shit. Everybody knows the United States waterboards. For him to confirm the truth would not be revealing to Al-Qaeda they haven't already figured out. Bush doesn't want to make a statement about waterboarding because he is terrified about potential prosecution.

Lewis "Scooter" Libby and Karl Rove divulged Valerie Plame's identity to the media and he never fired them. Bush uses national security to scare voters or hide the truth behind warrantless wiretapping and torture. The problem with America' security is Bush's utter unseriousness. Bush had the audacity to use the war on terror as why the Senate must confirm Mukasey.

"People who say we are not at war are either disingenuous or naïve," Bush said.

Bush can't answer if waterboarding is torture and he is calling his opponents "disingenuous." I hope he doesn't get hit with a flying pot or kettle.

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