
Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Write A Caption: Daniel Pipes and Dr. Evil

Why do neoconservatives and supervillains have the arched-eyebrow look going?


  1. OMG. You really have an eye for this.
    I soooooooo get the arched brow thing. It's so silly. Like Batman characters. Keeps me laughing. That and the shaved heads. I think some disgruntled guy who lost his hair too early ordered all of them to shave. I REALLY DO !! (you'd have to force me, shaving's so damn much work) And, everyone knows bald men are SEXY if they carry it right. Just like ANY man. Just carry it right. It's all in the mind .... I have a friend who absolutely prefers bald men. There is someone for everyone ... so let your guys grow their hair back, you just created competition for the ladies, you mainiac !! (brief aside for the ring-leaders)

    Daniel Pipes accepting apps for his own MINI ME.
    Kindly apply via DR. EVIL

  2. Here's a better candidate for the role of demented dwarfish villain:
