
Monday, October 08, 2007

Rubio and Property Taxes

Leon County Circuit Judge Charles Francis ruled that the property tax amendment incomprehensible to the average voter. He ruled that the amendment could not go on the Jan. 29th ballot.

"The language at issue is misleading and confusing and does not provide fair notice to the voter, educated or otherwise, of the purpose and effect of the proposed amendments to the Florida Constitution," wrote the judge.

This has sent Marco Rubio into a tizzy. He vowed to get a property tax cut on the ballot. Senate President Ken Pruitt refused to deal with the issue during the special session. Rubio put pressure on Governor Charlie Crist.

"without your leadership, the urgent needs of Floridians will not be addressed"

The response from Crist's office has been no comment. Property tax cuts are a political grenade in the Florida Senate. Pruitt is fearful that the cuts would hinder education. Pruitt seems to be taking Bob Graham's advise, "When you're in a hole, stop digging."

Politically, Rubio tied his future in property tax cuts. Now Crist and Pruitt are ignoring him as if he is a gnat. Everyone, but Rubio knows it is over. No Democrats, in the Senate, will vote for another property tax amendment. Four are needed for the amendment to make the ballot. This is the case of a pol that doesn't know how to play high stakes poker. Mr. Speaker, you have no more chips.

1 comment:

  1. what world do you live in? The governor just came out with his own plan today. And the leaders have announced a special session before the end of the month.
