Sunday, August 05, 2007

Naked Brunch: Integrity & Life

Do you have any idea what it is like to work your ass off and have your integrity impugned just because you provided information to people in the manner it should be presented?
Factual, specific, in chunks large enough to understand and absorb, professional and above all, accurate information. I hate budgeting - because, when you deal with Reaganomics idiots who question the cost of a box of pencils, it really tends to piss me off - in the extreme (especially since they asked for the box of pencils). They act suspiciously like we have given them cause to distrust us. This truly pisses me off: When these same people tell you it is a waste of money to hire additional staff to help the person working the longest hours for their organization and then tell that person that a raise, much less a cost of living increase is not gonna happen. When you provide them with a BALANCED budget, they still want to cut it to bare bones and provide you with nothing, absolutely nothing, upon which to give you the mental energy, the will, to go on working slavedriver hours, with no fucking thanks (or compensation) whatsoever.

I hate public service. I really hate my latest board.

Fuckin' amateurs.

So, for those of you wondering where the hell I have been, that should be answer enough. It sure as hell hasn't been because I have been out having any fun. If only. What a waste of time, effort, and experience. They do not deserve me. I do not take well to being treated badly. No, not at all. Morons. Even my boss is so pissed off he may quit. And he can take a lot more shit than I ever could before losing his temper. They went too far when they implied our integrity was compromised. It would be funny if these guys even understood the meaning of the word.

I also was involved in a pretty nasty automobile accident the day after I wrote my last post here ( a month ago). I gained a concussion, pretty severe whiplash and sprained the hell out of the entirety of my right arm. I worked anyway. What a waste of potential time off. In any case, I haven't raised my little finger this weekend to work, one iota. I have one thing to accomplish for a meeting tomorrow night, but, I believe I can handle it tomorrow - during working hours. These shits will be lucky to get a 40-hour work week out of me from now on.

And, I am scheduling a vacation. Somewhere. Who wants to put me up?

Enough with my weary and angry mindset.

Brunch was luscious, if a cold repast. Tipperary sharp white Irish Cheddar cheese, so crumbly and lucious, my tongue orgasmed. A sliced Fredericksburg Peach, very ripe and mouthwatering. Accompanied by Romano sourdough bread squares. All this while I converted and uploaded some lush and sexy music for your Sunday.

Jesse Cook, according to his website, blends African percussion, Cajun, Classical, Gypsy, Rumba and a touch Pop. Here are some tunes from his 1998 recording, Vertigo, truly compelling CD, highly recommended! Frontiers is his 2007 release, which from what I have heard thus far, is another I will be buying. Jesse Cook's music is available via iTunes.

Next up, is a compilation entitled Columbia. This music literally is from Columbia's musical artists. It contains some magical moments amid the culture that is Columbia. The music is a fusion from the African, Indian, Caribbean, native and Spanish populations, among others of the various regions that encompass Columbia.

Have a listen to it all and enjoy. (Please purchase these tunes should you like them.)

For my friends who have emailed or otherwise wondered where the hell I am. Thanks. It felt good to hear from you. My life should settle down one way or the other in the near future. If it doesn't, I will be doing something to make it so.

Join Ripley's Gang tomorrow and Catapult the Shame!

Hey Rip! Are you playin' tunes tonight???

Michael at Pushing Rope is keeping up with Yearly KOS

"Blogging, it's like crack, only more juicy and succulent." (now...i know it must have the effect of crack) Although, Tas does look like he is about to take a vicious and well-deserved bite.... And, merde!, if this isn't too damned bad.

Minnesota ... so very tragic.

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At August 05, 2007 7:32 PM , Blogger Michael Hussey said...

Glad to see you're are still with us. Tas and I were wondering where you were.

At August 13, 2007 12:02 AM , Blogger Sine.Qua.Non said...

Thanks for missing me! I missed all this myself and all you guys!


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