
Thursday, February 01, 2007

Sick Video

An allegedly former Abu Ghraib guard finds great humor in telling his buddies how he tortured and raped. The sociopath's quotes are in bold lettering.

What else would you guys do?

What would we do?

Or we would take plastic and wrap it around their heads until they started choking....

CIA showed us a lot of shit...

It gets even sicker.

Yeah? They had chick insurgents, man?

No, they didn't have chick insurgents.

Something goes down, they just grab everyone around, you know, fuck em. I mean, you gonna have 35 trials? No, you know. People are like, "Oh they're innocent." You know what, I don't give a fuck. As far as I'm concerned, they're all guilty. You know what? They should have kicked Saddam out themselves. Instead, we're there doing the fucking job. We're losing guys.....

Were those people in the World Trade Center guilty? No. Fuck them. They fucked us, so now we're fucking them. Fuck them, dude, anyone with a fucking rag on their head is fair game.

....girl, she was probably like 15 years old. Yeah, she was hot dude. The body on that girl, yeah, really tight. You know, hadn't been touched yet. She was fucking prime. So....

One of the guys started pimping her out for 50 bucks a shot. I think at the end of the day, you know, he'd made like 500 bucks before she hung herself.



She hung herself? How's come she hung herself?

I don't know. She wasn't happy.

The guy laughs when he says the girl "wasn't happy." Jill at Feministe was so disturbed that she couldn't watch the video. The Army has launched an investigation.

Note: the video maybe bogus. Real or fake it's still sick.

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