:: Naked Brunch: Seasonal Madness ::

I've been unable to post my Sunday Naked Brunch the past couple of weeks, and this Sunday will be a short one, ....postus-interruptus ...as I must decorate my parents home today for them. This seasonal madness combined with my workload has been a bitch of exhaustion with a few fun things thrown in the mix I should have enjoyed much more than I did, with a few exceptions.
So, I want to thank you for those exceptions:
- My C, .......all of him, ....period.
- My friends, here in the world wide web all over the world, who have brought me varying insights and points of view that have expanded my vision in a variety of ways. I appreciate them more than they know now or in many cases, will ever know.
- For allowing me the benefit of a new employee (the one I wanted to begin with) to help me at work (oh, hallelujah!) come January 17. You can not imagine how happy (relieved) this makes me.
That is all.
- Ummm....well, there is one more thing. Thanks for the iBod and my friends who sent me amazing playlists. Oh, baby!
Best regards,
P.S. I don't want much myself on a material level, besides which, material possessions are pretty inconsequential 'things.' But, I would like a little more peace in the world, C., and a bit of harmony and happiness now and again. Thanks.
Last night, the Ripped One of Zen Cabin broadcast live:
Oh, thrill of thrills! In the future, go herefor the schedule and archives: www.BlogTalkRadio.com
You can call in and have a live chat on the air, or send Ripley instant messages via AOL or Skype at HailRipley. I plan to do one of those three things next time. I would have done so last night, but I was at my brothers house. Who knows what I will come up with to say in a future broadcast. Also, you can get podcasts of the shows via iTunes subscription. Ripleys BlogTalkRadio site, Subliminal Radio, tells you how to get hooked up and takes you directly to the iTunes subscription (free).
Note to Ripley: You are nothing like Goldstein and your voice is magic. Really.
BTW: I've always loved to listen to Michael Franks (infamous for Popsicle Toes, among many others) on an early Sunday morn. His stuff is timeless. So is Chet Baker.
Here's a wonderful Chet Baker and Elvis Costello video:
Now for some day brightening Michael Franks "Eggplant"
And you can listen to a bunch these favorites from Michael Franks "Passion Fruit".... in my estimation, perfect Naked Brunch in bed music....at my place. The follow
"You" have been named as Time magazine's Person of the Year for the growth and influence of user-generated content on the internet.
Time to decorate the house....oy!
I wasn't sure what you meant by iBod, so I did an internet search.
I didn't know you were into porn that much...
heh :)
Oh and Happy Holidays!
I can now see why are you relating a personal device, the iBod, to porn due to the link. I don't even know any women who don't own a device of this sort (not necessarily the iBod if you get my drift). The link is not what I was relating to specifically. Certainly, it isn't about graphics. Also, I have been calling the OhMyBod the iBod not realizing there was a video related item named iBod already, which you referred to. Try these links:
:: Sex & Music ::
:: Top Sex Songs......... Add to the List ::
:: The OhMyBod ::
BTW: Kryten first turned me on to this device by posting about it at Loaded Mouth a while back.
BTW2: I have no problem with porn in general.
I'm a firm supporter of porn with Hannah Harper in it.
Ok....who is Hannah Harper?
Rats......I should have done an internet search prior to asking the question -
Results 1 - 10 of about 1,340,000 for hannah harper. (0.06 seconds) Gooogle
Holy Shit....I'm somewhat scared to open a link on that list. (Besides which, I prefer the plug, not the socket.)
This is a good picture of Hannah Harper. It's full of Christmas cheer.
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