Tuesday, December 12, 2006

The Loneliest of Blogging

Mr. G says something that bloggers on both sides of the political spectrum can relate to.

I keep asking several of my Conservative friends why they don't get online and join the good fight. They almost respond with "Because I have a life." That always hurts a little bit inside, but I never let it show.

For the record: I like the G Man a lot. We agree on practically nothing. We do try to promote new bloggers. I urge other bloggers to do the same.

In other news: I am tied with State of Sunshine for most linked Florida blog that isn't by one of the newspapers. I am now the 600 pound gorilla in the living room. Mr. G wishes more conservatives would blog in Florida. I wish there actually was a Tampa progressive blogging community. There isn't. There used to be Norwood Orrick. (He has gone into semi-hiatus.) Things were so bad that Sticks of Fire and Kate's all-about-me rants (with negative comments taken out) were considered progressive. Gene Smith does a lot of activism and never gets mentioned. The same can be said for the Feminist Student Alliance. If these girls don't blog then they should. They have much to contribute.

Part of Pushing Rope's mission is to promote progressive policy and bloggers. G does the same thing on his side. I could really give a rat's ass about using blogging like others use Myspace networking. The inside jokes and flames wars. (I leave that to BitchLab.) I can't stand bloggers who whine that they are being picked on because someone disagrees with their opinion. People disagree with me and they're entitled to. It's not the end of my world or theirs. What always happens is the best ideas win in the end. The important thing is to get smart people to engage in the blogging conversation. Florida has a litany of growth management and economic problems that need solving. The who's-the-coolest-kid-in-high-school stuff is secondary.


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