Monday, November 06, 2006

What It All Comes Down To - Dubya Stumping For Representive B

This is how bad things I gotten for the Republican Party. Jeb Bush said he didn't believe Katherine Harris could win. George W. Bush avoided having his photo taken with her. Now they are stumping for the worst Senate candidate in the country. This is why Charlie Crist ducked the campaign rally.

Harris still shows herself to be the Titanic of political candidates. Andrea Mitchell quoted a Republican pollster saying that Harris can't win.

"The liberals love to do that, and we understand that," responded Harris.

Mitchell informed her that this was a Republican stating that she can't win.

"It doesn’t matter," responded Harris.

I am so looking forward to Harris's concession speech. As for George W. Bush, it came down to you campaigning for Katherine Harris. Those Republicans with low approval ratings are drawn to POTUS.

Update: I caughting the Chicago Tribune pull a MacManus. The Trib's Mark Silva, who used to pull a MacManus, all the time, when he worked for the Orlando Sentinel, failed to mention that MacManus is a former Jeb Bush appointee. MacManus made "the world of politics is full of ironies" in discussing the relationship of Harris and the Bush brothers. Not only did a softball MacManus give a lame quote. The Trib let their readers think MacManus is giving a nonbiased opinion.


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