
Tuesday, November 21, 2006

James Carville Backlash

Turns out James Carville is a uniter. He united the entire Democratic Party with Howard Dean. Even long time Dean rivals.

James Carville's attempt to topple Howard Dean as chairman of the Democratic National Committee failed after state party officials and even a vocal critic of Dean crushed the coup, officials said.
Insiders from the Clinton camp winced at Carville's untimely remarks last week calling for Dean's ouster in favor of unsuccessful Senate candidate Harold Ford of Tennessee.

"It was not coming from [Sen. Hillary Clinton] and they made a real effort to distance themselves from James' comments," said a source close to the Clintons.

The Clintonistas don't want an undeserved backlash from the activist wing of the party that overwhelmingly supports Dean, especially because some anti-Clinton Democrats have blamed Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.) for the attack by Carville, a longtime Clinton insider. Those forces claimed Carville's motive was to topple Dean in favor of a chairman more favorable to Sen. Clinton's bid for President.

The article also reports that Rahm Emanuel informed Dean that he does not support Carville. It's debatable how much Dean's fifty state strategy helped the win both houses. I think it's good in the long run for the Democrats. It is foolish to try to topple Dean after the Donkeys won both Houses. Jerry Jones fired Jimmy Johnson after a Super Bowl and look the years of misery that followed the Dallas Cowboys.

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