Sunday, November 12, 2006

Fox News Attack Caption

Greg Gutfeld's Take

Fox News will say anything under their captions. They have been saying their stupid liberals-want-terrorists-to-win talking points for so long they are starting to believe it. No, liberals have no desire to be beheaded or blown up by religious radicals. Neither do people of other political stripes. Anyone who believes that is really stupid. Anyone who says that for political gain cares more about partisan politics than national security.

The Fox News attack captions phrases an outlandish statement as a question. I can imagine Fox News asking, "Do Democrats have a donkey as their mascot because they are into bestiality? We would never imply that Democrats are into hot donkey sex. We have received emails from viewers who want to know."

That kind of question is an attack. Fox News can get away with something like that because it's worded like a question.


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