
Monday, September 11, 2006

September 11th - Five Years Later

World Trade Center

I remember how I used to come into New York City and you could see the towers. They were just so tall and awe-inspiring. I wanted to post a picture of the World Trade Center in all of it's glory. Not the death and destruction we have seen so many times. Today is a day to celebrate those who are longer with us.

My pal Partygirl looks back on how her life changed after September 11. Her three entries she wrote from Manhattan that day (here, here and here) have been linked all over the net. She wrote other entries about trying to find friends who were dead.

CNN has a list of the victims of that day.

Update: A reader of Andrew Sullivan's blog wrote this:

What, did bin Laden actually think he'd ever change the way New Yorkers live and act? Did he think we wouldn't dust ourselves off and get back on our feet? If he did, well, chalk it up as another miserable failure on his part. He obviously doesn't know New Yorkers. He didn't stop the annual Gay Pride Parade. He didn't stop the annual Mermaid Parade (where women can, uh, "choose not to wear the veil"). And he sure hasn't changed the daily routine of everyone's favorite feathered denizen of 5th Ave, Pale Male.

1 comment:

  1. One thing that might be interesting to some is the 2,996 Project. Jim @ State of Sunshine was one of the bloggers on the project.

    The goal was to have one blogger write a tribute about one victim. Jim's assigned victim was Laura Angilletta - his tribute is on the blog.
