Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Brad Swanson's Dirty Tactics

Brad Swanson is running a nasty letter campaign against Rose Ferlita.

"Our party is littered with these liberals," one flier says. "It's time to put a stop to it - and we can start with our local races."

Who knew the Republican party was one big tree-hugging ACLU convention? Swanson also accuses Ferlita of supporting higher taxes. Swanson's ammo is that Ferlita voted for the city's budget each year while she was on City Council. Certain taxes do go up to pay for things like schools, police, EMS, and other important functions. It's called inflation. Swanson might want to take an economics class sometime.

Swanson brings out the big guns.

"She repeatedly votes in favor of the gay agenda," Swanson said. "It is her responsibility to explain to the voters why at every turn she pushes the gay agenda and every vote opportunity she supports it."

Pop quiz? How many times have you heard a Republican say "gay agenda"? I swear these people read from the same playbook. Fertila responded, "I am not going to discriminate against anybody." Good for her for not being bullied. Especially, since she's a Republican. The "gay agenda" crap will only work if candidates don't fight back.


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