
Friday, May 12, 2006

A Word In Support of My Guestbloggers

Even when I am not around, Pushing Rope can still generate controversy. This isn't something that I am for. I also don't shy away from it. It seems neither does Taz or Bitch | Lab. Taz went all Rude Pundit on Say Anything. The conservative blog. Not the Cameron Crowe movie. Ms B went into the back and forth she had on the formerly-named Sunshine State Progressive Bloggers email list. I looked at my emails yesterday and amazed at all the SSSPB letters in my box. Good grief.

Let me say this out front: I will support my guestbloggers right to speak. I'm not bothered when other people call me names and brag about her lefty creditials by stating she links to Bitch Lab. I don't have a problem with that. I don't expect everyone to agree with me. I support the first amendment right's of others to disagree with me and call me names. If you blog and expect every person to congratulate your every post then you're deluded. I have told Pushing Rope regulars Mulligan and Zen that they can disagree with me. My ego doesn't need guestbloggers to pen ass kiss posts to me.

Regular blogging will commence tomorrow.


  1. I was making a point that lefty bloggers need to do their own research and relie less on the A list blogs. I think she got made for me saying something nice about Mr. C (who I usually disagree with) and my disagreements with a couple of Sticks of Fire posts.

    My other point is I do think people on both political sides want their opinions reinforced. I'm worried about people being less open to new information if it doesn't come from the blog or media site of their choice. I get bored with bloggers ranting about MSN, liberal media, etc. I certainly will call information bogus if I see fit. I want to hear it out first - before I make a decision.

  2. The remarks, in Catherine comments, accusing me of being a conservative are hilarious. That's some researchin'.

  3. Damn. I guess I should have been more controversial!

    Conservative? HA!

  4. Being placed on the same playing field with the Rude Pundit is probably the best compliment I've received in a while. Thanks!

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