
Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Pam Iorio Hearts Firefighters

Mayor Pam Iorio proposed to spend $12.2-million to build 4 new fire stations. Iorio has done a lot of other thing to make firefighters happy. Iorio let firefighters use city computers for union purposes and lobby Tallahassee in uniform. Both are rule violations. Iorio was also accused of dipping into the retirement pension.

Former fire Chief Pete Botto says the mayor helped current firefighters take money from his pension benefits but it is hard to convince people she did something wrong.

Pete Botto, Former Tampa Fire Chief:
“She comes across so well, when she does something so wrong, people have a tendency to side with her.”

The Mayor blew her stack when Mike Deeson questioned (video link) about the allegation.

Iorio was cleared by the Florida Commission on Ethics. It's nice that every story has a happy ending.

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